Customize Products Solely For Advertising Purposes!

Elevate the impact and visibility of your ads by adding rich details to products, all without changing your Shopify store's existing data. Attract more attention with customized product descriptions! Features include AI-generated content, extensive edits, meta fields, and various attribute options.


It's All In The Details

Bulk Edit your store's products, infusing them with detailed information that draws the ideal customers to your business.

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Run Ads For Custom Products With Ease

Promoting your unique, handmade products shouldn’t be hindered because they have no GTINs. AdNabu eliminates this problem in totality and ensures all your products receive equal attention. Our solution configures the right settings of advertising platforms, empowering merchants to run advertising campaigns effortlessly. Conquer GTIN-related challenges and proudly display your unique creations to a wider audience. 

Compliant With All Marketplaces’ Requirements

We get it, the unending, nitty-gritty details that go into advertising tire one out! AdNabu configures custom GTIN-like identifiers, ensuring compliance and preventing your products from being disapproved due to missing or inaccurate data. Our smart algorithm understands the unique requirements of each advertising platform, and accordingly configures your product feed to kickstart your ad campaigns!

Gear Up And Get Ready To Take Over!  

Your competitors might be shying away from promoting unique goods! But with AdNabu, you don’t have to! Capitalize on your competitive advantage and reap the benefits. Improve ad visibility with better data quality, allowing you to rank higher, target the exact search queries, and rake in sales!

Make Strides With Better Performing Feeds

By creating GTIN-like identifiers for custom products, the quality of your feed is automatically improved. AdNabu helps minimize errors and disapprovals within the feed that arise from missing or incorrect product data. Our experienced algorithm ensures that all products meet Google’s (and other marketplaces’) data requirements, you are equipped with a product feed ready to take your advertising efforts by storm! 

Optimized Ad Performance

Accurate and properly configured GTIN-like identifiers improve visibility and relevance of custom products in Google Shopping Ads. This optimization can lead to higher CTRs and conversions due to improved targeting and visibility.

Happy Customers

See why our customers love us.

So far the app has been incredible easy to setup and customer service superb. This will make so much difference to our advertising abroad!
What an amazing team of people at this company. It seems as if there are around 24/7 for support! Great app, great support, and great documentation which helps a lot.
The Absolute Best! They went above and beyond to get my product listed and running on Google. I have tried for years and no one could help me, until I got the Adnabu app!
I've been using the app for a while now and I still love its simplicity. Thanks to the app, I was able to get all my products approved. The app saved me a lot of time and, above all, nerves. Really nice job!
Great App! Able to change title listing is a major plus to help with SEO on Google Shopping, much better than the native shopify integration!
We used the Nabu app to make bulk corrections to apparel product variants which had previously been tedious to correct in GMC.

Other features

Learn About Other AdNabu Features

Product Score

Gauge and predict your product's market performance in advance.

Bulk Edit

Streamline your efforts by adding, editing, and deleting multiple product attributes all at once.

Instant Product Updates To Google Merchant Center

Efficiently sync minor to major feed modifications directly to Google Merchant Center in real time.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Display Your Unique Products Without Hassles With AdNabu

Maximize your ad success with our 'Built for Shopify' app.