Shopify Conversion Tracking is a great way to get more insights into your advertising efforts.

If you’re unsure how to start using Google Ads conversion tracking, this article will guide you through the process. You’ll learn how to install and customize your pixel code to measure conversions from each of your ad campaigns.

Track Your Google Ads Conversions Quickly & Accurately with Our Conversion Tracking App, 👉 Install Now

What is Conversion Tracking?

A conversion is an action that your organization can perform to generate revenue. Subscribing to a newsletter, downloading an app, or purchasing a product are all examples of conversions.

Conversion tracking allows you to track specific conversions and attribute the results to certain sources. This way, you may discover whether a conversion was caused by a digital advertising campaign, a social media post, or a direct visit to your website.

Google Ads conversion tracking lets you monitor activities that individuals undertake on your website after clicking one of your advertisements. With Google Ads conversion tracking enabled, you may see which of your Google Ads commercial generates the most purchases on your online store, for example.

Track Your Google Ads Conversions Quickly & Accurately with Our Conversion Tracking App, 👉 Install Now

Requirements to Setup Shopify Conversion Tracking

Before following this guide, you need to:

  • Have a Google Ads account
  • Be running, or planning to run, an ad through Google Ads

Setup Shopify Conversion Tracking

To start using Google Ads’ conversion tracking, you must first establish a conversion action, install the global site tag, and then add the event snippet. If you’re keeping track of your purchases, you’ll want to edit the event snippet to change the conversion value based on the purchase amount.

Step 1: Create a conversion action in Google Ads

To implement conversion tracking with Google Ads, follow the instructions for creating a conversion action in Google Ads.

The most frequent type of conversion action is tracking purchases. To measure the effectiveness of your online business advertisements, set the category to Purchase/Sale and the value to Use distinct values for each conversion.

After setting up your conversion action, click the button to create and continue.

Track Your Google Ads Conversions Quickly & Accurately with Our Conversion Tracking App, 👉 Install Now

Step 2: Install the global site tag

After you’ve created a conversion action, add the Shopify theme’s global site tag to your Shopify theme code.


  1. In the Google Ads dashboard, click Install the tag yourself once you’ve reached Set up the tag.
  2. Select the Global site tag option that applies in the Networking and Localization area. The code produced depends on your choice.
  3. Copy your global site tag. You’ll need this for the next step as well.
  4. Log in to your Shopify admin in a different browser window and select the Online Store option.
  5. Click Actions > Edit code.
  6. Open your theme.liquid file.
  7. To apply the global site tag to every page in your store, paste the copied global site tag between the <head> and </head> tags if this is your first time installing a global site tag. If you’re editing a global site tag that you’ve already activated, look for it in your theme.liquid file and make the necessary changes.
  8. Click Save.

Track Your Google Ads Conversions Quickly & Accurately with Our Conversion Tracking App, 👉 Install Now

Step 3: Install the event snippet

After you’ve installed the global site tag, add the event snippet to your checkout page. The event snippet keeps track of each conversion when a person clicks one of your advertisements and then visits your online store’s checkout page.


  1. Select Page load in Google Ads’ Event snippet area.
  2. Copy the event snippet code.
  3. Open a new tab, go to your Shopify admin, and select Settings > Checkout from the left-hand menu.
  4. In the Additional scripts text box, paste the event snippet. If you already have code in the Additional scripts text area, make a new line below it and add the event description on another line.
  5. Copy the worldwide site tag utilized in the Install the global site tag step. Above the event snippet added in step 4, add this tag.
  6. Google Ads may record a duplicate conversion if a customer reloads the checkout page. To prevent duplicate conversions, add tags before and after the event snippet so that it triggers once per customer:

7. On the line before the snippet, paste {% if first_time_accessed %}.

8. On the line after the snippet, paste {% endif %}.

9. The default currency is USD. If you don’t sell in US dollars, then replace ‘USD’ the event snippet with ‘{{ currency }}’.

10. The default transaction ID is blank. To prevent Google Ads from recording duplicate conversions, next to ‘transaction_id’: replace ” with ‘{{ order_number }}’:

  {% if first_time_accessed %}
    <!-- Event snippet for Test conversion page -->
      gtag('event', 'conversion', {
        'send_to': '1234567',
        'value': 1.0,
        'currency': '{{ currency }}',
        'transaction_id': '{{ order_number }}',
  {% endif %}

11. Click Save.

Track Your Google Ads Conversions Quickly & Accurately with Our Conversion Tracking App, 👉 Install Now

Step 4: Make the conversion value dynamic

If the conversion action you’re tracking takes place on your online store, the value of each conversion is unique.

Andy has a clothing store and is running two Google Ads campaigns: one for his watch collection and another for his T-shirt line.

The cost of each click on the watch collection ad is lower than that of the video ad, but its value in terms of purchases made by persons who click on it is greater.

Track Your Google Ads Conversions Quickly & Accurately with Our Conversion Tracking App, 👉 Install Now

The price is greater since consumers are more inclined to purchase more costly items following seeing the ad. Andy takes advantage of this information in order to decide where he should invest his advertising money.

To record a different value for each conversion, you must modify your event snippet to utilize values that are unique to each transaction.


  1. Open your Shopify admin and go to Settings > Checkout.
  2. Find the event snippet you added in Step 3 and paste it into the Additional scripts text area.
  3. Replace the line beginning with ‘value’: one of the following snippets:

4. To exclude taxes and shipping from the conversion amount, replace it with this snippet:

   'value': {{ checkout.subtotal_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},

5. To include taxes and shipping in the conversion amount, replace it with this snippet:

   'value': {{ checkout.total_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},

6. After you replace the line, your script looks similar to the following example:

{% if first_time_accessed %}
  <!-- Event snippet for Test conversion page -->
    gtag('event', 'conversion', {
      'send_to': '1234567',
      'value': {{ checkout.subtotal_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
      'currency': '{{ currency }}',
      'transaction_id': '{{ order_number }}',
{% endif %}

7. Click Save.

Track Your Google Ads Conversions Quickly & Accurately with Our Conversion Tracking App, 👉 Install Now

Apart from running Google Ads, if you are also running Facebook ads, then a pixel is an excellent addition to your overall ad campaign. With a Facebook Pixel, you can track conversions, measure ad performance, optimize ads, and build an audience. 

Installing Facebook Pixel on your store doesn’t have to be a complex and technical task. You can easily set it up and configure it for your store.

AdNabu’s Facebook Pixel App

AdNabu has been in the Shopify industry for 9+ years and carries a “Built For Shopify” badge; over 600 users trust AdNabu and rated 4.8 stars out of 5. It recently launched Facebook Pixel.

AdNabu’s Facebook Pixel app works with one-click installation with the aim of reducing manual work and making it easy to install. It also makes use of Conversions API to overcome the iOS14 tracking issue.

Advanced Matching, Unlimited Conversions, Advanced Multi-Pixel support, and Support for Multiple Pages are other key features of the app. You can avail of all of these features at no cost. 


Check the conversion actions page in your Google Ads account to ensure that your tag is functional. The tracking status on this page should change to verified after a few hours.

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CEO and co founder of AdNabu. Exploring the intersection of data and marketing